Thursday 18 June 2015

Music On My Mind

Here's the thing; good music, a good song, is a living thing. It is an emotional organism that breathes and changes over time, it grows as you do and becomes something else entirely. It informs your life with meaning and in turn you bring something new to it with every passing day. Bad music is a pallid, mediocre, unconvincing waxy mannequin, an imitation of passion. It has no life or truth, merely a sad facade of emotionless corporate skin.

To recognise this distinction is to open yourself to what I consider the greatest joy in life.

Anyway, here are some songs that have been on my mind of late.

Is This Love - Bob Marley

Here is a man who can bring joy to your soul without fail. His music shimmers with beauty and bounces with life. Is This Love is love made music, all warmth and honesty. It's all good, friends.

The Jungle Line - Joni Mitchell

The greatest artist of the 20th Century, Joni Mitchell will take you places within yourself you didn't know existed. This song is unique in her vast catalogue in almost every way; a strange and wonderful piece that twists and writhes its way into one's mind.

Come On Up to the House - Tom Waits

I'm impossibly old, drunk, a little sad and I want my friends to raise hell with me just one more time. That's how I feel when I hear this song. One day, when I am impossibly old and my close of days arrives, Tom Waits' voice is the one I will hear. He touches my heart like no other.

Lullaby - Jacobean Ruff

This is indeed my band's song and me on the piano, but hopefully this won't come off as arrogant. It had a tortuous birth but finally came out how I wanted it to but it was not complete until Jed and Sophie ( my fantastic bandmates ) added their vocals to the end of the song. It really makes me wonder how musicians like McCartney can seem to enjoy working alone without another artist's input. Anyhow, Jed and Sophie's vocals on this song make me cry without fail. I love music.

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